E Link for nasal flu consent
Dear parent or guardian,
The school nursing team will be visiting St Cuthberts R C Primary School to offer children a nasal spray flu vaccine, on Wednesday 20th October 2021. This year the programme has been extended and flu immunisation will be offered to all pupils from reception class to year 11 in secondary school, this is part of the wider planning for winter. It is more important than ever this year to help protect against flu, as flu and Covid-19 will be circulating at the same time.
The vaccine is recommended to help protect children and young people against influenza (flu). Flu can be very unpleasant and can sometimes cause serious complications. Immunising your child will also help to protect vulnerable family and friends, including the very young and elderly, as it will help prevent flu from spreading.
Please use the link below or scan the QR code to access the E-Consent Form - please complete even if you do not wish you child to receive the vaccination.
Kind Regards