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St Cuthbert's

RC School


United in Faith we Live , Love and Learn.

School Dinner Menu 2023


Free school meals

 ​​​​Primary  school pupils will get free school meals if their family receives:​

  • Income Support
  • Income Related Employment Support Allowance
  • Income Based JobsSeeker’s Allowance
  • Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit, or
  • Child Tax Credit with an income less than £16,190
  • Universal Credit if the net household earnings is less than £7400.


*Families who get Working Tax Credit do not qualify. ​


Once you submit an application, you will be notified in writing of the outcome.

If you are eligible for free school meals, your child’s school will be notified so that they can update their records. 


Free school meals are awarded for each child separately and not for the household.​

You do not need to re-apply if your child moves to another school in the borough. When we are advised by your child’s new school that they are a pupil there then we will amend our records and inform them of your eligibility. 


Please log on to the Cardiff Council Website - Free School Meals and press the button to apply



Healthy Lunch Ideas!

Contact Us

Letton Way, Cardiff Bay,

Cardiff, CF10 4AB

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St Cuthbert's


United in Faith we Live ,

Love and Learn.

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