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St Cuthbert's

RC School


United in Faith we Live , Love and Learn.

Dosbarth St Tathan - Miss Evans

Shwmae and welcome to Dosbarth St Tathan's class page laugh


I am Miss Evans and I will be teaching the lovely year 5s and 6s this year.


Here is a little bit of information about me.
I love to keep fit, especially running and going to the gym!

In my spare time I also enjoy reading books and listening to music. As I was growing up my favourite author was Jacqueline Wilson - you will be sure to find some of her books now in the reading garden!


I hope you enjoy looking around our class page, where you will find lots of exciting and useful information laugh


Don't forget to check out our Twitter - @st_tathan

Welcome to the summer term - Miss Evans' favourite!

Summer 2 newsletter

Summer 2 newsletter

Summer 2 newsletter

Summer 1 newsletter

Spring 2 newsletter

Spring newsletter

March 2 newsletter

March 2024 newsletter

February 2024 newsletter

January 2024 newsletter

December newsletters

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September newsletters

Class information


1) Homework is set every Monday on TEAMS. Children will have 1 week to complete this. They can choose whether they wish to complete their work on TEAMS or on paper, please ensure it is completed on time.


2) Your child will bring home their spellings every Monday, they will be required to practise them at home every night, ready for their test on Friday, please help support them in doing so.


3) Our PE days is a Friday. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing appropriate PE kit on this day, each week. Be mindful of the weather and ensure your child is wearing a jacket, shorts, t-shirt, sun-cream etc based on the weather in the morning of the day.


4) As a healthy school, we provide a healthy snack for your child at the cost of £1 a week. If you would like your child to receive this, please pay £1 via ParentPay at the start of each week. 

Context (Summer 1 2024)


For summer term 1, our topic is called 'We are designers!'


We will be designing and creating a new float for the Lord Mayor's parade.


Please take a look at the context overview on the right hand side of the page to explore in more detail what we will be learning during the first part of summer term! >

Language, Literacy and Communication


For the 1st half of summer term we will be focusing on the story - Ajay and the Mumbai Sun by Varsha Shah.


The focus of this text will be 'discussion'. We will be developing this skill throughout the first half term of summer by producing story writing, exploring discussion texts and understanding the features found in such texts.


Take a look at the context overview on the right hand side of this page to explore further what the pupils will be learning >






Some of the Maths work we are doing this half term includes place value of 6 digit numbers, developing our reasoning skills and using all four mathematical operations. Chat with your children to see if they can tell you about how we multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 (including decimals! - we are getting so good at it!)

Humanities (RE) - Summer 1 2024


For our RE work this half term we will be focussing on the following topics -


Week 1 - Islam
Week 2 - Hinduism


Come and See topics;

1. Topic 7 - Transformation

2. Topic 8 - Freedom and responsibility 




Science and Technology - Summer 1 2024


As part of our Science for this half term we will be covering the following;


  1. How do we know the Earth is round?  

  1. Why do planets have craters? 


We will also be looking at electric energy transference - green energy and parallel and series circuits - switches. 



The context that we will be focussing on encompasses this area perfectly as pupils will be designing and creating their floats - they need to ensure it is able to move (wheels) and have music and lights.

Please access these free links below to help support your child's learning at home.

If you need any further information, please don't hesitate to speak to me! laugh

Contact Us

Letton Way, Cardiff Bay,

Cardiff, CF10 4AB

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St Cuthbert's


United in Faith we Live ,

Love and Learn.

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