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St Cuthbert's

RC School


United in Faith we Live , Love and Learn.

RE Education /Bywyd Catholig

Covenant and Creation

Come and See Yearly Overview


Religious Education is a core subject at St Cuthbert’s.

As a Catholic School, Religious Education is a core subject. We have a weekly programme of prayer and worship and regular class assemblies and masses to which parents are invited. We follow the Come and See Religious Education Programme which is recommended by the Bishops of England and Wales. 10% of  teaching time is spent on religious education this equals 2.30hours per week.


RE - Recording of children’s work takes many forms – pictorial, written, wall displays, assemblies etc. Each classroom has an RE area with display boards  and  a focus area for prayer.

All children complete work in a special  Religion book. Children’s knowledge is assessed and levelled throughout the year. We assess children’s knowledge of beliefs, teachings and sources, celebrations and rituals, social and moral practices and way of life, engagement with their own and others’ beliefs and values and engagement with questions of meaning and purpose.



RE Lessons

RE lessons follow the agreed syllabus for the Cardiff Archdiocese - Come and See. The Religion lessons we teach at St Cuthbert’s gives children the chance to explore and deepen their understanding of what it means to be a Catholic today. As we are a Catholic school, the particular emphasis is on Christianity but we value the richness and diversity of our local area and community and the diversity of our school.

The children study the same 9 themes throughout the year in all the classes but content and delivery differs by age and stage.

The Come and See Programme encourages children to reflect on the Catholic faith and make links to how the Gospel is lived out in our daily lives.

Throughout the year, we plan for FAITH WEEKS where pupils can compare and find similarities in different faiths. The FAITH WEEKS include a focus on ISLAM, JUDAISM, HINDUISM and CHRISTIANITY.

Parents and Carers are very welcome to come to school to view the Come and See material we use.

What is Come and See?


A Catholic Primary Religious Education Programme for Foundation and Key Stages 1 and 2 


This easy to use teacher-friendly material has been written by a group of experienced diocesan advisors.

It follows on from successful trialling in schools in England and Wales and is based on the theological foundations of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Catechism and the revised RE Curriculum Directory and includes the Catholic attainment levels.


The Catechism of the Catholic Church addresses the search for meaning in life. God’s initiative in Revelation who comes to meet us and our response of faith. (cf. CCC26) This pattern guides the structure of the programme and informs the process of each topic, opened up through; Explore, Reveal and Respond


Click on the link to find out more


Christian Meditation has been introduced throughout the school. These sessions give the children the opportunity to spend a few moments of silence with God.


It is the policy of the school to celebrate together through collective worship our shared collective faith as a community of believers. It is viewed as part of the whole school curriculum and reflects, expresses and affirms Christian personal and social values.

The following Collective Worship take place on a regular basis:

Prayers at the beginning and end of the day. Prayers before and after lunch

  • PS1, PS2, PS3 collective worship.
  • Whole School collective worship.
  • Class assembly.
  • Celebration assembly.

Contact Us

Letton Way, Cardiff Bay,

Cardiff, CF10 4AB

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St Cuthbert's


United in Faith we Live ,

Love and Learn.

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