Dosbarth St Gladys - Mrs Evans
Dosbarth St Glady's - Reception and Year 1
I am Mrs Evans. I am the teacher of Dosbarth St Glady's.
I enjoy spending time exploring the outdoors with my family and my dog! My children love to climb trees and we all love to sit by the outdoor fire down in West Wales in the caravan. I don't enjoy sitting still! I like to keep busy and get up very early every day.
Academic Year 2023/2024
It has been wonderful to welcome so many new children to our class and also welcome back some of our old friends. All the children are already settling in well to school life and have made lots of friends. This term our topic is 'All about Me'. See below the attached information for parents on all the skills we will be covering this term. We are all looking forward to an exciting term. Remember to check Seesaw for lots of daily updates.
Reading books will be sent home every Friday and PE will also take place on a Friday.
If you have any questions we are always available in the mornings or if you need a longer appointment please ring the school and ask.
Thank you
Look at us learning in Dosbarth St Gladys!
Social Teaching January 24
December 8th
November 23
Newsletter 10th November
Newsletter Black History Month October 20th
Newsletter October 6th 2023
Newsletter Sept 22nd 2023
Parent information Autumn Term
Academic year 2022/2023