Dosbarth St Winifred - Miss Coles
Welcome to Dosbarth St Winifred's class page.
I am Miss Coles and I am the class teacher for Year 1.
I love being creative and doing lots of crafts. Outside of school my hobby is to watch ice hockey.
Our PE days will be every Wednesday please remember to wear PE kit. Please wear warm clothes and trainers.
Homework will be set every Friday due for the following Friday. Reading books and key words will also be sent home every Friday due for the following Thursday.
Do not forget to visit our class twitter @DWinifred11885
Below you will find our monthly newsletters.
Look at us learning in Year 1
Topic in Year 1!
Year 1 have enjoyed the topic 'Let's create'. Year 1 have identified key parts to a trolley to support the design and making process of building a trolley for the teddy bears picnic.
Year 1 cannot wait to show you the final products and test them during our class teddy bear picnic!
Class worship and Catholic social teaching
In year one we have been looking at stewardship during our Catholic social teaching lessons. We are understanding how we should look after the world. We understand that God made our world beautiful and we should respect and look after the world.
Our pupil profile this half term is learned and wise. During our class worship sessions we have been looking at how we can be learned and wise. We have been looking at the wise King and how he used his knowledge.
Topic news letter
In Year 1 we have really enjoyed our topic 'Let's Create'!
We have been asked to help the teddy bears get to the picnic through the forest but they cannot take a car. As a class we have decided to make the teddy bears a trolley to help them get to the picnic.
We have designed and began to make our trolleys for the teddy bear picnic. We have been understanding the safety of using tools and we have even and the opportunity to use a saw with the support from our teachers.
We cannot wait to test them at our own class teddy bear picnic and show you our final made product.
RE and Catholic Social teaching
Year 1 have really enjoyed learning about Pentecost in our RE lessons. We have looked into how the Holy Spirit is there to guide us and help us. The children created a stain glass window with a dove in the centre to represent the Holy Spirit.
During our Catholic social teaching we have looked at how we can use our voices and what Jesus would want us to use our voices for. We have learnt how Jesus wants us to use our voice for only good things in life and to love one another.
Health and Well Being in Year 1
Year 1 have been very busy this Summer Term looking at how we can be healthy. We have enjoyed completing our daily mile everyday and exploring new ways to complete the challenge.
Year 1 love to be outside and we have loved to complete our PE lessons outside in the sunshine. We really enjoy when Miss Croll is teaching PE and we explore new ways to be fit and healthy.
Furthermore, we have explored what makes a healthy meal and what we should eat to stay fit and healthy. We even got to create our own healthy meal!
RE in year 1!
Year 1 have really enjoyed our faith weeks looking into the Islamic faith and the Hindu faith. We had the opportunity to listen to visitors talk about Hinduism and we got to wear traditional Hindu clothes.
Year 1 have enjoyed our class worships together and have even joined with St Gladys to worships together. We have focused on our pupil profile virtues during our worships.
Furthermore, Year 1 have enjoyed looking further into our Catholic Social Teaching. We have been looking at participation and how God would want us to participate. We explore the different services we have and how we can use them for God.
March 2024
Summer Overview 2024
Year 1 have been busy during our Science lessons. Miss Croll has been teaching us all about worms and identifying what makes an adult worm. We have been looking at the habitats that worms live in.
With Miss Coles we have been understanding what makes a living thing. Year 1 have been fantastic at identifying living things and non living things. Recently we have also looked at the life cycle of a sunflower and we cannot wait to look at the different life cycles of plants and animals.
February 2024
Year 1 have been very busy looking at our new topic called From Here to Home.
We have enjoyed going on a bear hunt to see the local area. We have created maps in a group starting at our school and around the local area.
Year 1 have been thinking about where is special within our local area and identifying why these places are special to us. Recently we have been understanding why our school is special to the children and understanding what makes the school special.
Year 1 are excited to explore further into Cardiff Bay next week!
Spring overview 2024
January 2024
Our virtues this term are loving and compassionate. We have been learning about how Jesus was loving and compassionate during our class worships. Also, we have learnt about how we can be loving and compassionate to one another.
Social teaching-
During our social teaching lessons we have been looking into who are our global neighbours and what makes us a global neighbour. The children have really enjoyed looking into our global neighbours and how we can help one another. As a class we wrote a prayer that we can say to help all our global neighbours and understand that we can be one big family.
December 2023
We have been very busy in Dosbarth St Winifred's. We would like to share some of class highlights with you!
We have been learning lots about the Great Fire of London. As a class we explored what questions we would like to find out about, we got creative, and we even decorated our own cakes as if we were working in a bakery.
During RE we have been looking at Advent and we have focused on the first candle of hope. Year 1 were able to invite Reception into our classroom to have a class worship as a group, we looked at how we help others just like Jesus taught us to do.