Welsh - Cymraeg
Croeso and welcome to the St Cuthbert's Welsh page!
Here, you will find up to date information about Welsh in our school. The Welsh
co-ordinator for the school is Miss Evans, if you need any support with helping your child/ren speak and learn Welsh at home, please speak with Miss Evans who will be happy to help!
The Crew Cymraeg for this year 2023-24 are;
The Crew Cymraeg's main role is to promote the use of Welsh around our school, and to ensure all members in the school are using Welsh wherever possible.
The 3 aims that the Crew Cymraeg are going to develop in the spring term are;
1. Get children excited and enthused about the Welsh language
2. Continue in our work on gaining Siarter Iaith silver award
3. Promote Welsh reading around the school
Have a look at these useful links below -