September 2023 Our Lady of Sorrows
5th - We welcome back all pupils for the start of Autumn Term
11th - Pupil Profile Assembly to introduce GRATEFUL and GENEROUS
12th - Meet the Teacher for parents and carers in PS1 and PS2
13th - Meet the Teacher for parents and carers in PS3
18th - Week of St Christopher Assemblies and Class Liturgies
19th - Welcome Assembly led by Dosbarth St Tathan 9.10am Everyone Welcome!
20th - After school clubs start - week 1
21st - Day of Peace
25th - Mrs Bishop lead assembly to introduce Prayer Bags
25th - Staff meeting from V Jones - Becoming a School of Sanctuary
26th - 3pm RSE Open Meeting for parents and carers
28th - Jeans for Genes Day - £1 donation from staff and pupils