Dosbarth St Tathan - Miss Evans
This is our new Dosbarth St Tathan class page for 2024-25.
I will regularly be updating this page with lots of information regarding your child/rens learning, as well as pictures of what we have been getting up to!
Don't forget to also follow our class Twitter page - @st_tathan
1) Spellings are set every Monday. Your child/ren will bring home their spellings, ready for the test of Friday. Please support them in practising their spellings, diolch.
2) PE lesson will take place every Friday. Please ensure your child/ren come to school wearing their PE kits. We will always try to do PE outside, so be mindful about the appropriateness of their kits.
3) Homework is set every Monday, and this is done on TEAMS. They will have 1 week to complete it. Your child/ren will know their logins, however if they need reminding please see me before or after school. Homework will consist of either Literacy, Maths or Topic work. If your child is unable to access TEAMS, please inform at the earliest convenience so I can print a paper copy for them.
4) As a healthy school, we provide a healthy snack for your child at the cost of £1 a week. If you would like your child to receive this, please pay £1 via ParentPay on the Monday of each week.
If you have any questions or queries, please don't hesitate to speak to me before or after school, I will be more than willing to help or point you in the right direction of someone who can!
Miss Evans
Literacy information
For our Literacy novel this term (up till the Christmas break), we will be focusing on 'The Invention of Hugo Cabret' by Brian Selznick.
1. Our genre focuses for the text will be recount and persuasion.
2. The poems we will be looking at are ode's and limmerick's.
3. We will also be looking at some short video clips to help us with our story writing.
Don't forget to ask your child/ren about the text, especially what this wonderful invention is!
Maths information
The format of our Maths lessons for the week will consist of - 3 number lessons, 1 shape, space and measure and Friday will be a problem solving lesson.
Take a look at the curriculum overview at the bottom of the page, to look in depth at what Maths we will be covering in the Autumn term.
Topic information
For the Autumn term, our topic will be focusing on the Romans in Wales. The children voted and decided to rename the topic 'Ridiculous Romans'.
Our enquiry question is 'How have communities been organised, structured and led?'. Take a look below at some of the lesson we will undertake...
- Comparing and contrasting travel, clothing and leadership in the Roman times to now
- Establishing appropriate methods to gather information related to the enquiry
- Understanding the difference between facts, opinions and beliefs, and relating these to our enquiry
- Understanding that the past can be divided into periods of time, and an understanding that these periods have distinctive features and are different from one another, as well as different from the present - Stone Age, Iron Age, Romans
- Understand changes within the Roman times as well as across periods - Stone Age and Iron Age
How key changes in History have impact e.g. conquests, migration, religious changes, leadership, innovation
Looking directly, at the affected development of:
travel, education, community structure, culture, home life, work opportunities
and how this impacted on people’s identity.
Explore the ways that Welsh identity has been defined and explained over time
Recognise the positive contributions of people from all parts of society in Welsh History, including knowledge of specific contributions to society from people from a range of backgrounds and communities - Black History Month
For our Expressive Arts focus we will be looking at dance - interpreting and recreating Roman dances/music
Take a look at some of these websites to help support your child/rens learning at home.