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St Cuthbert's

RC School


United in Faith we Live , Love and Learn.

Barry Island

Dear Parent and Carers,

As part of the class topic, ANIMALS, pupils in Dosbarth St Cadoc will be going to Barry Island on Wednesday 25th May 2022 to look at the sea life and spend time on the beach.

The class will be travelling by train under the supervision of staff.

Your child will need:

  • Weather appropriate clothes and footwear    *sunglasses
  • Sunhat or cap
  • A clean, dry towel to sit on
  • Bucket and spade (if you have them)
  • A healthy packed lunch and drink (pupils is receipt of FSM will have this provided by school)
  • The children will be rock pooling so if you have a small net, this would be very useful!



We are asking for contributions of £3.00 per pupil to cover the cost of the train and an ice-cream!

This cost includes a subsidy using the school fund.

No child will be excluded from the trip due to no parental contribution. However, if not even contributions are made, the trip may have to be cancelled.

Contributions are to be made using PARENT PAL. Please do not send any money to school.

Please make your contribution and sign and return the permission slip by Tuesday 17th May.


Your child/ren are going to have a fantastic day and enjoy a great learning experience. Look below at the pictures of Barry Island.


B Brooks




Contact Us

Letton Way, Cardiff Bay,

Cardiff, CF10 4AB

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St Cuthbert's


United in Faith we Live ,

Love and Learn.

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