Dear Parents and Carers,
As part of our topic this term, “St Francis teaches us to care about animals”, we would like your child to have the opportunity to see and learn about animals first hand so we have organised a trip to PLANTASIA on Friday 27th May.
Details are:
Trip: PLANTASIA Date: Friday 27th May
Who: Dosbarth St Gladys & Dosbarth St David
Time: leave school at 9.00am and return by 3.20pm
Details of location - 2AL
We are asking for a contribution of £10 per child to cover the cost of transport and entry. School fund will be used to subsidise the trip for all pupils.
Pupils in receipt of FSM will be paid for in full using the Pupil Development Grant.
Whilst no child will be excluded from the trip for not making a contribution, if not enough contributions are made then the trip will be cancelled.
The £10 contribution can be made via Parent Pay – no cash can be accepted.
Please make your contribution by FRIDAY 20th MAY 2022
For this trip your child will need:
Packed lunch * Only FSM pupils will be provided with a lunch from school
All pupils need to wear full school uniform – this is essential for safeguarding purposes.
A waterproof coat – we never know what the weather will be like!
No spending money needed.