Flu Information 2021
September 2021
Dear parent or guardian,
The school / immunisation nursing team will be visiting your child’s school to offer children the nasal spray flu vaccine on Wednesday 20th October 2021. This year the programme has been extended and flu immunisation will be offered to all pupils from reception class to year 11 in high school, this is part of the wider planning for winter. It’s very important to protect your child from flu to make sure they stay as healthy as possible, as both COVID-19 and flu are likely to circulate this winter. Flu is caused by viruses and spreads easily. Anyone can get flu but children have the highest rate of infection and flu can be serious for them. Complications can include bronchitis, pneumonia and ear infections. Some children get so ill they need to go into hospital. Immunising your child will also help reduce the chance of children spreading flu to others who are at high risk from flu, such as young babies, grandparents, and those with long-term health conditions.
Our school nurse/immunisation team will work with education to deliver the programme according to the Welsh Government Covid-19 guidelines that are current at the time. You will soon receive a link from your child’s school to an electronic consent form for the nasal spray flu vaccine along with information and a notification of the vaccination date. Please complete the electronic consent form as soon as possible. You will be able to access the electronic consent via emails, text message, schoop, twitter, QR code or any other communication platform you child’s school may use.
If you have any difficulties accessing / completing the electronic consent form or need any further advice please contact the immunisation team on: immunisation.CAVUHBschoolnursing@wales.nhs.uk or telephone: 02920 907678
The nasal spray flu vaccine contains a small amount of porcine gelatine, it is used in vaccines as a stabiliser to ensure that the vaccine remains safe and effective during storage. Unlike the gelatine used in foods, the product used in vaccines is highly purified and broken down into very small molecules. Flu vaccine injections do not have gelatine in them, but they do not work as well in children. If you would like your child to have the flu vaccine injection you will need to make an appointment with your GP surgery for this. Your child will NOT be able to receive the flu vaccine injection in school. If the nasal spray flu vaccine is not suitable, please complete the consent form as appropriate.
If there are any changes to your child’s health before the vaccination session, please ensure that you notify the school nurse as their immunisation may need to be delayed.
Yours sincerely
Sandra Dredge
Senior Nurse
Children, Young People and Family Health Services (CYPF)